Its completely fake and yet some tards out there watch it religiously.
Did you know that the Amish were into rap music too? Check it out.
It’s fake as can be, just like all the other “reality” programs. In a dirty, underhanded way the creator is genius. Amish can’t watch tv, therefore they won’t know about the show. If they are told, and according to the Amish crew putting an addition on our house they are aware of the show, their beliefs prevent them from filing law suits. The creator gets to slander and libel them all he/she wants without worry.
We have Amish and Mennonites in our area. I have attended their auctions and been to their stores.
I also watch every program about them. While The Amish Mafia is probably the least true and the most fake, others are not. They are not the spiritual Godly people everyone (the English) thinks they are. “Amish Out Of Order” was probably the most accurate and REAL. It exposed the truth about the Amish culture and most of it isn’t pretty.
Essentially they are a CULT. While there are many different sects with different rules, they are mostly oppressive, exploitive, and even barbaric.
They are not the quaint mild mannered people you think they are. We are all outsiders to them. They have nothing but disdain for us. We are inferior to them. Sinful pagans to be avoided. Now some of them like our money and will be nice to us to get it, but don’t be fooled the women and children are nothing more than property, slaves if you will. They are cute with their little hats, bonnets, and outfits, but it is a life that if you were dropped into, you would escape at your first opportunity.
While at a poker game back when this show first started the question came up; are there Amish hookers? After much debate my friends and I came up with these indicators;
1.Appearance-Bonnet tied seductively and pulled back to expose the entire forehead. Charcoal-colored dress instead of black.
2. Speech-”Art thou just arrived in our village, sailor?” “Wouldst thou like to party?”
3.Beguiling personality-Think Amy Farah Fowler from Big Bang Theory with fishnet stockings hidden under her dress.
4.Payment-Ears of corn.
5.Her pimp-Riding a buggy with gangster whitewalls and a tie-dyed horse.
No way about, I gotta get some new friends...
P.S. What goes “Clop,clop,clop,clop, BANG! Clop.clop,clop,clop, BANG!”?
An Amish drive-by shooting.
Jebediah: "They want to have a meeting with me, right? Let's set the meeting. It will be me, Yoder, and Hostetler. We'll get our informers to find out where the meeting will be held. We insist that it be in a public place.....a barn, a produce stand, someplace where I'll feel safe. They're gonna search me when they pick me up, so I can't have a weapon on me. But if Stoltzfus can figure a way to have a gun planted there for me.....then I'll kill them both."
I was laughing about this show with a young Amish couple I met in my doctor’s office waiting room. His take was that it would pass and there are worse things they could have made up...
I have a friend who knows Eli, who tells me Eli is not Amish.
What goes clip-clop, clip-clop..bang.
An Amish drive-by.