How should the car in this picture pass a bicyclist? Google's camera conveniently captured the distance to the double yellow line. Note that this road goes through an über-liberal city of Los Altos Hills, CA - and it is at its widest here. The dividing line is double yellow all the way (for a good reason,) no dashed lines anywhere. Such marking can be crossed only to turn left or to make a U-turn. If an SUV is a poor measure, look at this FedEx truck on the same road. There isn't enough space even for a scrawny deer to stand.
I personally have no problem with bicyclists when they are safe and far away from traffic. The problem occurs only when they use narrow public roads as a personal gym. Roads are not a good place for exercise; roads are a pretty dangerous workplace. IMO, bicycles make far more sense on trails. They are legal on many roads, but it doesn't make them a good idea there.
Hey! I HIKE up Page Mill from Arastradero to Foothills Park and then come back down through the Arastradero Preserve. You think it’s tough passing a bike? Try being a pedestrian.