what rights? i hereby designate you as a terrorist. now you can remain silent all you want, with a 12v battery connected to your nuts... you will tell them shit they dont even want to hear... Jailhouse is full of lawyers. Besides they already know every fukin thing about you... the CONSTITUTION has been SHITCANNED folks... by someone who wont even release his college transcripts... the most transparent regime in hsitory.... coupled with the lawless DOJ ,the PATRIOT ACT (IF YOU HAVE PATRIOT ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR NAME THE IRS WILL FUK YOU) and last but not least Gestapo/DHS.... and FEMA....Sieg Heil.. Sieg Heil... Sieg Heil. HOW DID GERMANY GET THAT WAY? HOW DID WE GET THIS WAY?
I’ll just agree with all of that before it gets pulled. LOL