There is the other aspects, of fun, leadership, OA, going crazy at camping, etc.
This sounds like someone either who is being pushed or is Badge OCD, and is missing out on all the fun.
Not at all. He is self motivated and goes to every meeting, every advance-o-rama and merit badge clinic. He is the SPL now and is very smart and has a lot of leadership qualities I wish I had.
He truly is an exceptional kid.
All the scouts, new and older, are his friends and he is not scout centered all the time. He just has a focus you don't see often.The scout master is a professor at a local university that is one of the top schools in the country. The president is an Eagle as well.
Last year a student saw his Eagle paraphernalia and they had a discussion. Seems he is not only an Eagle but has earned every merit badge available at the time.
Believe it or not, there ARE kids like this and they give me hope that we can get out of the situation we live in now.