As to the occupants driving the things? Well, as our missing Quix friend would say, perhaps they are demonic beings. OR, perhaps they are created beings but lack soemthing that God gave to us which is of great interest to the 'visitors'. As to panspermia, well, I cannot accept it yet, but I do believe there is no way panspermia would explain God breathing the spirit into Adam and therefore passed to us eventually. In one of my novels, a character proclaims to his guest that 'Eden is not so removed as millions of years ago.'
Even if panspermia is a reality for the origin of nephesh on earth, that doesn't exclude the fact that nephesh is caused by God creating, nor evidence that neshama exists sans God creating it. If I ever get the chance, I would really like to ask the 'visitors' if they have a spirit.
And one last thing: there is a reason why I asked if the poster understood laminar flow or inertia and inertial mass as differentiated from gravitational mass. i suspect there is an abundance of all hat and no cattle at work. Time is interwoven in the conundrum of inertial mass dampening.
Meant to ping you ...