There’s an IRS attorney in New Orleans named Mitzi Torri who posts at the Fogbow who worships the crazy bastard named Bill Bryan.
Mitzi sounds like a dog chasing a car. If she ever catches it, she’s going to be at a total loss/quite possibly wish she hadn’t.
I haven’t been to Fofbow in ages. The place is just too creepy for me. However, some years back I went there & poked around. My impression is that most of the Foggers worship Foggy. The old cult of personality thing, w the usual results.
& after all, what’s not for a progressive to love. Think Bill Clinton. A serial liar, a perjurer, a disbarred attorney, a serial woman-abuser, credibly accused of rape. Result: a progressive mega-hero. Moonbat women wish he’d raped them, & moonbat men wish they cd rape & get away w it. Or if that’s not the case, then why do leftists collectively swoon over ‘Bill’?
Same w Bill Bryan. He’s an incompetent, failed lawyer, he screwed his clients, he’s no longer allowed to practice law, he’s pettily vindictive, he’s a substance abuser—what’s not for a moonbat to worship? He’s a lefty superstar; if only he’d raped a woman or two, he could be a mega-star.
Just ask ‘Bill’.