You do not find "evolution" in the Holy Scriptures because it's a recently man-invented cultic fideistic religion, one devised a millennium later than Mohammedanism. First known use in English is 1622AD. Unknown as a concept and not connected with science until the times of Lamarck, Lyell, and Darwin -- atheist all, IIRC
Apparently an ultimate one trusting in Jehovah--teen-aged faithful Daniel and his pals Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah--understood science. (Daniel 1:3,4)
Paul warned Timothy against misapplied science. (1 Timothy 20-21)
Nothing about airplanes in the Bible, but I have used them. Lack of evidence is not evidence.
Nothing about airplanes in the Bible, but I have used them. Lack of evidence is not evidence.