Not in California. California the Democrat party is all La Raza, all the time.
"During the 1920s and 1930s Los Angeles was a bastion of Anglo Protestantism, reflecting the values of Midwestern parishioners who had been carried to the Southland on the Southern Pacific Railroad. Well into the 1970s, Protestant denominational leaders enjoyed comfortable, influential ties with the city is still-strong "downtown business establishment," which itself was largely Protestant."
"The Immigration Act of 1965, however, created the condition for a radically different religious future for the City of Angels-a future that would anoint Roman Catholicism as the area's dominant religious group. Today Roman Catholicism is the single largest faith tradition in Los Angeles County, with 294 parishes and 3,631,368 adherents. Among Christians, 71% are Catholics. Between 1980 and 1997, Roman Catholicism experienced a 36% growth."
If we but cut off their water and leave the allotments for the states to the East, to whom it all rightfully belongs, I think California would change substantially!