I must do a better job of keeping lame-brained liberals off my facebook list.
I posted this a little while ago and didn’t hear a single protest:
“Gay marriage” is intrinsically fascist. Let’s get real about it. It is the harbinger of the death of the American republic.
Homosexual marriage (there is nothing “gay” about it) is going against the natural order. When that happens, chaos occurs. Just like the welfare law taking away the role of fathers in family life. Abortion, which began as killing babies in the womb, has digressed to killing babies after they are born, as well as devaluing human life throughout our lifespans. Mass murders, murders in the streets, shooting a baby as his mother pushes him in the stroller, and so on and so on. Is this the results of unintended consequences or is this by design? I believe it is the latter.