As several have observed, that photo does, indeed look "hokey".
Ported O/U shotguns are available; Citori, for one offers factory porting, and shops like MagNaPort perform aftermarket porting.
But, several things about the porting in that photo don't lookl exactly right:
- The single, low-velocity plume (not jet) from the port looks very odd. (Porting effectiveness depends on high gas jet velocity...)
- Most porting includes a long row of holes along the barrel -- not a single port. (See the row of eleven (11) holes in the photo below.)
- All porting I have seen is done on both sides of the barrel. Øbozo's appears to only be ported on the right. (Which would tend to shove the muzzle to the left,)
Shouldn't we see multiple jets -- along the barrel -- on both sides?
The muzzle blast smoke looks odd, too:
- The smoke/gas looks low velocity -- "squirted", not "blasted" out
- To my eye, the ejected gas doesn't appear to be aligned with the center of either bore.
- If that white thing at the muzzle of the upper barrel is the cork -- where is the string?
Surely the pResident (of the White Hut) wouldn't post a Photoshopped fake photo - and then tell others not to "alter" it -- further...