Posted on 01/26/2013 10:50:39 AM PST by JohnPDuncan
Andrew Breitbart was very effectively silenced less than 5 hours after he asked Sheriff Joe Arpaio about his evidence regarding Obama’s BC and said that Joe’s evidence was convincing.
And it doesn’t take much of that kind of activity to get the message across. We’re not talking about a horse head in the bed. We’re talking about a very prominent independent journalist dropping dead and the whole world calling it a heart attack (after his father-in-law first said he had no heart problems and the coronor said the medical records showed he hadn’t seen a doctor within a year and later the coroner’s toxicology report showed no prescription or illegal drugs in his system) while the coroner’s report doesn’t even mention CHECKING for the small red spot that would indicate an assassination.
Doug Hagmann spoke to people who were at the meetings where the media personalities were told their careers would be over and their lives and the lives of their loved ones were quesionable. He said those people were scared. I gave the information I had about this subject - including some insider information I cannot share - to Mike Zullo, commander of the Cold Case Posse. He confirmed that the person I was concerned about had left the country out of fear for self and family, and that there were others he knew of as well.
Dead. Leave the country out of fear.... That kind of stuff doesn’t leave a whole lot of voices.
But what you say about it being hard to keep so many people quiet is also true. The fact of the matter is that there have been voices speaking out all along. The media is the gate-keeper though, and they will not report any of this. That’s what Breitbart dropping dead and Rush Limbaugh receiving a bomb threat - both on the day of Arpaio’s press conference announcing a criminal investigation of the forgery of Obama’s long-form birth certificate - is all about.
I’ve been pointing out in comments here within the past week the evidence that the Hawaii Department of Health itself has put red flags into the forgeries that Loretta Fuddy forced them to create - Obama’s birth certificate (which was presumably created at the request of law enforcement, to protect Obama from the “crazy AZ birthers” and thus says whatever Eric Holder says it has to say), the death certificate for Virginia Sunahara, and the BC for Johanna Ah Nee. All those forged documents have BC#’s listed that could not have been on the BC’s in 1961.
Onaka himself (the HI state registrar) has signed a legal document confirming that Obama’s HI BC is not legally valid and 2 legal documents confirming that the White House image is a forgery. Attorney Larry Klayman sent a letter pointing this out to DNC Counsel Bob Bauer, with carbon copies sent by certified mail to every member of the DNC Executive Committee, every member of the Commission on Presidential Debates, every state SOS, every state democratic party chair, and every state AG. I’ve been shouting this as loudly as I can here and on my blog. But even lots of people who follow this issue closely here don’t know or understand this.
There was a guy (and I can’t remember his name. shoot) who wrote a book about economic terrorism, and basically said that our intelligence people in the Middle East were told in 2008 that an economic attack on the US by Islamists was imminent. This guy was an expert for a Congressional investigation, and he was trying to get the critters to do something to prevent this kind of economic terrorism from happening again; he couldn’t get anybody to do anything about it. I’ll have to try to look up his name.
Actually, I should try to pull together my documentation and reasons so people can see the context; I’ve been meaning to do that for a while but it’s daunting because there’s so much. I was in the middle of working on that when I was put in contact with Lt Col Lakin’s representative and needed to shift to get my evidence together for that, and then both my daughter’s computer and my computer were hit with a trojan that left me with a black screen, having to retrieve files from the hard drive and start over on everything.
The point of dealing with this, really, is so that people will realize that we’re looking at the death of the country unless somebody does something. I think people are fearing that Soros’ alliance will pull the trigger and collapse the economy, but at this point a lot of economists are saying it’s just a matter of time before this economy collapses anyway. So Soros’ threats are losing power. We’re just going to have to brace ourselves to go over that waterfall because Soros isn’t able to stop us from going over and if he thinks we’re going to get out of it he’ll pull the trigger himself even if everybody IS obeying his orders. He told Hillary and Obama that he planned to destroy the US economy. He’s said that the 2 evils that he (who believes he is God) he has to get rid of are the US and capitalism.
Butter, this makes a lot of sense and I’d like to share your thoughts with my e-mail list. (Ret. Col. L. Sellin’s comment damned near cements it for me—as he served time for his belief that the CIC should prove he was eligible-not to take anything away from your brilliant connecting of the dots!)
I also am convinced of Soro’s money manipulation regarding the 2008 debacle-—McCain looked concerned, Bush looked SCARED and Bath-House Barry looked bored. Soros sank the British pound; why the hell couldn’t he manipulate OUR markets?
May I have your permission to do so?
Certainly you may.
Just one note on what you said. It was Lakin who was in prison for 6 months because he needed to know his orders were lawful. Sellin is a retired spec ops guy though, so he’s got his own credibility that way. And I would not be one bit offended if you give either of those guys more credibility than me; I’m honored just to be their colleague. Honorable men who love their country and have sacrificed much for her.
Sorry! NOT Sellin...Lakin!
So, after reading the last three of your posts, all it’s telling me is stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye, because there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it. Head for the hills with as much survival gear, guns/ammo, and foodstuffs as you can because the government (or those controlling the government) are so powerful that any ordinary person is utterly and totally screwed.
Based on what I just read, I don’t see how we could fight the government and stand a snowball’s chance in Hell of winning.
place marker
I have spent most of the evening listening to some of their videos. Right now I am just finishing up "-= Anonymous =- Obama- You are fooling NO ONE!" It is by no means their most powerful video but it is informative of their views.
Whoever these people are, whoever they were, they seem to be waking up.
For some reason “anonymous” just seem French to me.
On the contrary! Butter has jelled info—given most of us the Cliff Notes in compact form.
Disseminate it! Send it to as many as you can.
I can’t imagine the “dis-honorably-fired” Mattis and his ilk (remember the newspaper ad listing all those military that REFUSED to endorse Bath-House Barry prior to the election? roughly 300 of them!) NOT reacting to what’s going on.
Share info Butter’s collected with everyone you know-—you don’t know what the outcome might be. can sit on your ass.
I wonder if George Friedman & Anthony Cordesman have Guy Fawkes masks?
Hopefully with the topless girls!
If I had a penny for every time somebody on the internet had dirt on a political figure, I could afford to fix FR.
That was my first reaction when I comprehended this stuff too. And I’ve been fighting on in the hopes that I’m wrong. And because I believe that miracles can happen.
But I think that as economists are saying that an economic collapse is inevitable, Soros’ threat becomes less potent. And Soros and all the big guys are buying up gold and land like crazy. They know it’s coming. So preparing for an economic collapse is reality even without the stuff I’ve said.
But the reality that an economic collapse is inevitable - together with the extreme moves that Obama is making right now that show his real goal is to destroy the US and our Constitution - might be enough to convince people like Rand Paul that they cannot prevent an economic collapse from coming even if they appease Soros, and that it is actually in our best interests for the economic collapse to come sooner rather than later, when Obama has disarmed the US citizenry and gotten rid of all the military and law enforcement folks who still believe in the Constitution. If economic collapse is inevitable, it would be better for it to happen now than 4 years from now.
It would have been a lot easier to resist Hitler BEFORE the Night of the Long Knives than after. And the Night of the Long Knives is in process right now. So now is the time to act, if America is to have any chance of surviving the inevitable economic collapse.
This is all scary stuff. My husband hates hearing about all this.
There’s more too. Eric Holder has been holding the door open for Hamas and Hezbollah operatives that were flown into Venezuela on direct unchecked flights from Iran. We have no idea what those people might have brought with them from Iran and smuggled into the US, but Saddam Hussein, Bashar Assad, and Iran had an agreement that if any one of them’s WMD’s were in danger of being discovered/confiscated by foreign invaders, they were to be shipped to the most secure of those countries. Shortly before we invaded Iraq Saddam’s WMD’s were shipped to Syria. Now that Assad is in Obama’s sights (to be taken over by extreme Islamists instead), those chemical and biological WMD’s - both Saddam’s and Assad’s - may well have been shipped to Iran, where they would be available to the Hamas and Hezbollah operatives that were direct-flighted to Venezuela.
See, Chavez is an ally of Ahmadinejad. It’s that communist-Islamist alliance that I’ve been talking about. Chavez has agreed to let Iran launch missiles from Venezuela, which gives Iran the capability of hitting the US with an EMP (which is the altitude that Iran’s test missiles have been aiming for, if I understand correctly), and Chavez has also allowed these Iranian flights to come in unchecked - basically provided a beachhead to this continent from which Iranian operatives can travel into the US with their WMD’s. Because Eric Holder has been arming the drug cartels that have been smuggling in terrorists, as well as suing Arizona to make sure that illegals can’t be either detected or deported, we have no idea what WMD’s may have been smuggled in and positioned in every state capital in the country, waiting for a signal for the (most probably) biological WMD attacks. Which guns can’t fight.
While the media has kept us all busy piddling around over an election that Obama was going to steal anyway, the Soros alliance has been going for the jugular, which is the first phase of an actual communist coup. The election stuff is lingering demoralization, but the real systems that have to be captured in a coup - economy, defense, and foreign relations - have been systematically infiltrated and set up for the final coup while people were distracted. Obama’s treachery is far larger than ANYBODY is willing to say, for fear of being called a crazy person.
So we also need to be prepared for an EMP attack and/or biological warfare.
Again, though, we don’t know whether or how much of this has happened, and the sooner we oust Obama the greater chance that SOMETHING of America can survive it. And that’s what our leaders need to know. They need to know that they only hurt us by waiting this out. Soros’ threat to collapse the US economy could be the way to have this stuff happen on OUR timetable rather than when Obama/Soros know that everything is all set and America can’t win. The longer Obama is allowed to rot the system and stack up America’s enemies against us, the less strength we will have to fight. It is better for the doo-doo to hit the fan before Obama does more damage and gains more strength. Our hope is that Obama has bared his teeth too soon, and the coup has gone too slowly so that people have this time window where they can wake up and fight back before Obama has us totally surrounded.
I don’t want to scare people, but it seems like that’s the only thing that creates the urgency that we need right now. The people who need this urgency are the leaders. But the only voices they hear are the MSM, which would call somebody like me a crazy that no politician should ever listen to. That’s how Obama/Soros has effectively disabled the alarm system that would keep our leaders awake. Only a massive outcry from the people will be loud enough for them to hear us, and that’s what we need. Hopefully the attempted gun grab has woken some people up and they will seriously consider the critical situation we are in as a result of a foreign enemy combatant in our White HOuse.
And we need to remember to pray. If America survives this, it will almost certainly be because of divine intervention. Another reason they are attacking religious liberty.
Yes, that sounds right. Thanks!
Here’s a review that goes over some of what is in his book:
A huge thank you for your incredible work and continuously posting. A thank you that is a small match compared to a light house.
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