Yes she has a devoted following here on FR but nationally mo way. Fred Thompson syndrome.
Anyone idiotic enough to not know Palin’s effect on national politics and the conservative movement, and elections, and who compares her national political power and influence to Fred Thompson, is just not a very bright person.
Excuse the hell out of me, DoDo. I went to a Fred Thompson rally in O.C. California, and while the crowd was decent, it wasn't packed.
Palin drew crowds in the thousands. Sometimes the tens of thousands. Regularly.
And was it also only the "devoted following" on FR (but not nationally, no way! Sayeth Conventional Wisdom such as yours) that conservatives would let Romney sink. They'd "cowboy up" and vote for him, don't worry
They misjudged sentiment RE Romney, and they are misjudging sentiment RE Palin.
Sarah Palin has a far greater following apart from FR. Most of them have never heard of FR. I'm involved in a number of support Palin organizations. She has a HUGE base of support.