I could listen to anyone articulate reading the dictionary ... I love dictionaries. I wonder if the library has one on CD. I could play it in the kitchen while I’m cooking or washing up.
I’m #6 on the list for the recording of “Anna Karenina,” not really recommended by Anoreth.
I can’t remember if I have short term memory loss.
Words are so much fun!
I am taking a break from it. I got to a long chapter about how Vronsky accidentally kills his racehorse and decided I needed a break from all those horrible people to read about other horrible people in 1940’s Berlin.
I am not sure if Tolstoy meant for his characters to be sympathetic or if I am actually supposed to hate all of them. The only mildly likeable one is Karenin and I think he is supposed to be the antagonist but I’m not sure.
At least I finally figured out why half the characters are being referred to as “prince” and “princess.” I was confused for a while because none of them appeared to be royalty.