With all due respect to you and the Speaker, I think you are both wrong. Government needs to get out of the marriage business altogether. Why does anyone need a government stamp of approval to “recognize” what is suppose to be a joining of two people before God.
Most religious “conservatives” don’t want to hear that but as long as government is seen as the ultimate authority this is what you get.
“Why does anyone need a government stamp of approval to recognize what is suppose to be a joining of two people before God.”
Because in a civil society, you need some form of arbitration to settle custody and property rights, and that has fallen to government and the court system.
The problem is that there are legal issues related to marriage such as property rights etc. Biblically, God involved the government in adultery and divorce cases. Marriage from the beginning was a family and society thing. The church only inserted itself rather recently. Other than dealing with the moral aspects, the church should stay out of it.
So how does government decide who is entitled to government benefits like SS, Medicare, federal and state pension survivor benefits, etc.? Government needs a definition of marriage because it is imbedded in our laws, regulations, etc.
And why should it be limited to just two people? Or among family members? Or based on age? We have all kinds of laws affecting marriage. Should they also be eliminated?