Just dig a hole for an outhouse in the back yard!
when full move it over to a new hole a few feet away! No water involved.
I started life using one of those and was afraid I would fall in the big hole. My uncle got bit on his thingydo by a spider in one.
Instead of Chinese solar panels we should be building desalinization plants. This will fix the problem of the coming floods due to global warming.
We could run these plants from the energy that would be produced by burning garbage at very high temperatures. Plus because it would be burned at a high temperature, it wouldn’t affect the environment.
However, in saying that, should global warming strike, we could lower the temps a bit, let the emissions go into the atmosphere creating smog which would lower the temperature.
Wow. I just fixed the worlds energy and water problems and in the process gave us back our 7 gallon behemoth toilets. Butt seriously, I miss the days when I would wake up, go to the bathroom and the first thing I would hear is, “Take your best shot.”
My inlaws live in the mountains.. They have no utilities. They have a fresh water spring.
I won’t name the location or even the state because they still go out to a out house and s%^t in a hole.
probably illegal now.