Ya’ know....HA, your title to the thread pricked my ears. Because it’s not what you think. Yesterday, I thought about half of the dumb masses. Yes, we DO need to ‘teach America’....about the Founders and about tyranny...and our escape from it. Even thought about a billboard campaign and PSA’s. Of course....if there is enough money left in the US to fund it.
I don’t think we’ll end up like Greece for awhile. Because unlike Greece, we have an overseas military presence and power projection that we can liquidate to buy us some more years of fun and goodies. Foreign nations who have relied on the American taxpayer for national defense since 1945 will be the first to lose the American dole.
The Dead Vote so why not have them eat too
If the dead can vote...
If the Dead can vote then the dead gotta be able to eat and do many other things that a normal person can do, well except hold a job and be a productive memeber of society.
The Dead Gotta Eat...
It just occured to me, all those dead voters need to eat too, I mean if you are dead and you just spent a long election season voting several times for your favorite democrat president, the food stamp president and you get bupkiss for your your vote, well nuts to that, why not sign your corpse-y self up for some government cheese? I mean if dead people gotta vote, dead people gotta eat too?
If Obama is gonna double down in his second term, why not double down on his food stamp numbers by making sure that his favorite voting block is asking “what can government do for me”....
So grab a shovel and a piece of paper and pencil and an acorn clipboard and head down to the local cemetary to sign up the dead tired, starving to death, and those who are just dying to get a good meal or two...
The dead gotta eat, and voting is hungry work.... Starve the beast by feeding the dead...
The Dead Gotta Read...
You gotta be able to read to vote and the dead are no exception. I would suspect that the dead read things like the New Your Slimes, Washington Compost, Mother Bones, and the Rolling GraveStones... So every single magazine subscription card you get need not be thrown away, instead fill it out with name of the dead voter and the address of their residence which would be the cemetary. The dead have got to be able to read all the liberal crap magazines because after all they vote Democrat Every Single Time....
The dead gotta read, cause you gotta read to vote... Starve the lieberal MSM media beast...
The Dead need a Phone...
Besides Voting the dead gotta be avle to take phone calls, how else are they supposed to respond to pollsters asking them which way they will vote. It is so very hard to get a landline installed at your gravesite these days but there is a solution, the magical Obamaphone is just the thing. Sign up all these poor “Living Impaired - Americans” to an Obama Phone or two, heck they may need more phones as after the batteries run out in their first phone they can’t recharge them, I haven’t seen too many electrical sockets in graveyards.
The Dead gotta be Polled... Starve the Beast by Picking up the Courtesy phone...
Many may thik this is humour but it is not supposed to be funny, and many here have talked about “Going Galt”....
To heck with “going Galt” it is too slow, instead of going just over their heads by going Galt and refusing to be a maker, Go WAY OVER THEIR HEADS and “Poll Vault” by becoming a SUPER TAKER, or an “Under Maker” and sign up the dead to as many social programs and government freebies as undead-humanly possible.
If it is good enough for an election system that the UN observers from craphole countries are suprised about how insecure it is. But the left cries “voter supression” like a stuck pig when a simple fraud prevention measure like photo ID is required by a state, then why the hell should the welfare state and the aparatus that supports it be any different.
When you are fighting against people whos playbook is dedicated to satan (rules for radicals), you have to start using the playbook written by cuthulu!
Trying to play Mr. Rogers doesnt work when the Civil Society has been destroyed by the Great Society, it is time to play Mr. Macavelli.
To hell with Civil Disobedience, it is past that now, it is now time for Economic Disobedience, and Social Program Disobedience.
They want Communism, Maybe we should give them so much damned communism they choke on the damn stuff by collapsing the socialist systems they have frog boiled us into taking. We MUST shove that communism they love so DAMNED MUCH so DAMNED far down their DAMNED throats that they will still be crapping out hammers and sickles after they become the “Voting Dead” because they will be ANYWAY.
But is must be done SOON, because once they take away certain parts or all of amendments 1-10, the quick reset option will not be possible, just misery and Soviet style decline.