Firstly, may I suggest that Barry's re-election, may be EXACTLY what our country needs right now. A great awakening has begun in the last four years, and with obamas help and leadership, perhaps America will be forced to accept what the face of communism looks like. During the last year, I have watched my countrymen go from "certainly not romney" during the primaries, to Romney is the guy who is going to save us if we can just get him in there."
In my opinion, this transition did not happen because Romney grew on us, it was because many realized that if it were not Romney, it would be us, it would be you. Too long have my countrymen put blind faith and votes into campaign promises and outright lies.
Too long have we awaited the politician who would ride onto the scene on the proverbial white steed and solve our growing list of problems. Too long have we accepted the mundane life of our fathers america instead of striving for the America of our forefathers.
Both parties have failed us, if not spent the last century activley trying to enslave us. (to my "republican" friends, let me just say "Patriot Act") Freedom is going to cost us more than donating $20 dollars to a Chimp-in-a-suit's campaign, (regardless, of race or party) or voting for aformentioned chimp in an election. Both parties have failed us, and we continue to play their game, by their rules, while they disregard us, and their rules.
Their system has failed us and responibility rests squarely on our shoulders now. The ballot box was crushed by corruption, the soap box has been censored by controlled media, one left. I am not suggesting riots, murders, assassinations, ect. I am proposing to prepare, to begin organizing. History has shown us repetedly what is comming next, prepare spiritually, prepare physically, most important prepare mentally.
Mentally prepare to meet violence, with violence. Because whats next is violence, with or without your preparations, or participation. Have faith in God, but not exclusively. The founders had faith in God, but they did not sit on their hands and wait for God to deliver them from evil.
They used their God given rights, they defended them, they fought for them. Will you? I suggest everyone read Patrick Henry's liberty or death speech again, see what is at stake by sitting idly by in an illusion of hope and peace.
Take comfort in knowing that Americans have been at this place before, and there are still Americans here now. All I want from you, isa for you to display the same confidence in yourself, as I have in you.
It is the same confidence the founders had in us. God bless you, good luck, see you on the other side. THIS IS MY SOAPBOX
thank you.