Liberals are in control of the public schools. Conservatives need to find a way to get around this and educate youths. Also whites need to start sticking together the way all other groups do, somehow by reaching out and educating them, at the same time it doesn’t hurt to reach out to minority groups since they might actually like freedom and real opportunity.
Ya know, I’m tired of being called racist because I disagree with a black man’s idea of the world. Racism is the belief that yours is superior to others.
When the first Europeans landed in America, did the natives call them racist? No! They were understandably xenophobic, but we learned from each other and grew as one. Sure the subjugation of tribes was widespread, but that’s going to happen in any case of “new world discovery.”
That aside, I do agree that whites need to start trying to “win over” the minds of other whites, because so many of us are snowed into believing that we’re somehow guilty of something that none of us were complicit in to begin with.
BESIDES... Barack Hussein Obama and his predecessors were highly likely to have been involved in the slave trade moreso than any of Romney’s or any other white man’s ancestry alive in America today. Obama has the voting masses completely snowed and drinking from a very large trough of “feel good Kool Aid.” I’m waiting for his Jim Jones moment when those troughs become poisoned wells.
On an unrelated note, does anyone else find it comical that Obama won the votes of women, more specifically single women, yet he espouses the idea of Sharia law with subjugates women to the status of chattel?
Everything this man does is retrograde to the direction we’ve been going for the last 100 years, yet people are too dumb to realize it. I’m consistently shocked by the ignorance of our population.