Expect Romney’s cabinet to look exactly like the Bush cabinets. It’ll be mostly the same people.
The original purpose for the formation of the Dept of Energy was to find ways to develop energy independence. Keep it but on day one make that the only reason for it's existence.
I’d like to see Luigi Zingales in a Romney cabinet, either at Treasury or at Commerce.
Definitely Palin at Energy, even if it’s just to oversee turning out the lights before most of its functions devolve to Commerce, with a few going elsewhere.
Really, Condi Rice at State again? I’d like to see someone hard-nosed, clear-eyed about the threat posed by Islam, and not afflicted with Slavophobia. I’d really like to see a volte face in our Balkan policy. And, unless it’s Rumsfeld or Cheney, I’m also not interested in any Bush administration retreads for policy reasons, and for 2016 political reasons it’s probably better to not have either of them either.
Newt should be voted in as Speaker of the House. (since you need not be a member to be speaker and since he did well there once before)
General Petraeus first lost favor with me for supporting the horrible ROE in Afghanistan when McCrystal was dismissed. He lost another chit when he joined this awful administration. He lost even more by not breaking with the same on Benghazi. And then you want to give him another chance?
Are yu suffering from battered wife syndrome?
Rob Portman for Treasury
Sheriff Joe Arpaio or Darrell Issa for Homeland Security
Jeb Bush for Education
John Sununu as FCC chair, and Romney should let him loose on the MSM, esp. Soledad O’Brien
Dream Team (The Romney Cabinet)
We need to, like, actually win, first.
Sarah Palin, DOE. John Bolton, State. Chris Kyle, DoD.
I have to say no to Condi Rice for State. Too much Foggy Bottom Kool Aid. John Bolton would be a better choice. Petraus for DOD? Again, no. Besides, by law ten years must pass after he leaves military service before he is eligible for SecDef.
I expect a LOT of people with resumes saying they are Moslem and are seeking a job soon in Washington DC.
“Dubya” for Sec of Defense. We know he wouldn’t leave our men behind. Also, it would caused mental collapse for the liberal scumbags such as Chris Matthews. Two birds, one stone.
His EPA appointment will be a stanch anti-business environmentalist. Book it. How else can he show he cares?
There s no way I would want Condi Rice. I don’t think she’s far away from being Colin Powell. Until the primary season was over, I didn’t even know if she was really a Republican. I want someone strong and not soft-spoken this time. Someone who commands attention.
AND, in spite of the general’s great career, both earned and bestowed, I’d like to hear from him as to why he believed a video cause all hell to break loose in Benghazi. I don’t believe him.
They won’t give Sarah the time of day.
After spouting all that, I have to admit I don’t know who Romney would choose. I do know it won’t be the Clinton’s, Big Sis, or Eric Holder. I’m pretty sure Christie is out. I miss Tony Snow. God bless us one and all.
I’m going to take the word “dream” literally, and make a pitch for Mark R. Levin, esquire, for Attorney General. He probably wouldn’t take it, but hey, I’m dreaming. He’d make a great Sec O’State too. While I’m at it, (and I know this isn’t ‘cabinet’ but it’s related) Glenn Beck would make a fun press secretary, wouldn’t he?
“Secretary of State Condi Rice Dept of Defense General Petreus (I’ll give him another chance)”
For my 2 cents:
Sarah Palin DOE
John Bolton SOS
Rudy Guiliani AG
I don’t have a name for the DOD but it should be a General Patton type; someone who understands what the military is for and is not afraid to act accordingly.
Let's play spot the irony.
Big NO on Condi Rice as Sec of State. She is too much a Liberal Globalist...and we need someone that will stand up to the UN, EU, Islamic Terrorists....not someone that wants to play “patty cake” with them
And, not so sure about Rudy Giuliani as Atty General. He is too liberal, and would pander to Black Racist and Hispanic Racist groups. I want someone willing to arrest Al Sharpton, not appease Al Sharpton
Others sound good, though
Big NO on Condi Rice as Sec of State. She is too much a Liberal Globalist...and we need someone that will stand up to the UN, EU, Islamic Terrorists....not someone that wants to play “patty cake” with them
And, not so sure about Rudy Giuliani as Atty General. He is too liberal, and would pander to Black Racist and Hispanic Racist groups. I want someone willing to arrest Al Sharpton, not appease Al Sharpton
Others sound good, though
I want him to create a Cabinet Position called Department of Reality, and I want Victor Davis Hanson to be the Secretary of Reality.