The prayers of young children show us what they think of God. Here are two I read recently:
Dear God, what does it mean that You are a jealous God? I thought You had everything.
I didnt think orange went with purple until I saw the sunset You made on Tuesday. That was cool.
These children are right to think of God as the owner and creator of everything, the One who can paint beautiful sunsets. But how does God describe Himself?
Moses needed an answer to that question when he was about to lead the Israelites into the wilderness. He wanted to be assured of Gods presence and leading, so he asked Him to reveal Himself (Ex. 33:13,18). In response, God came down in a cloud and said: The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, . . . by no means clearing the guilty (34:5-7). He is good; He is just.
We too can know this God and be assured of His presence. He has revealed Himself in His creation and in His Word. As we ask Him to make Himself known to us, well learn that He is even more than the owner and creator of everything!
Read: Exodus 34:1-8
The practice of prayer is one of the most basic habits we can form in our thinking. Gratitude. Thank God for the stars, the sunsets, the beauty of a rose, and its lovely fragrance: that we have food to eat ... whenever we decide to eat, we have strength, energy, hopes, dreams, friends, work, school, Church. It is all to be appreciated.
Be thankful every day we can see, hear, walk, talk, be pain free, have a family, health, and a purpose, and know our God. We are to be of service to God daily. May we Walk with God and we do well. In Jesus name, amen.
Thank Thee LORD for this day.