Now, how could someone born on Aug. 4th think on July 15th that their birthday is in ONE WEEK, ESPECIALLY A PRESIDENT WHOSE CALENDAR IS CAREFULLY ORGANIZED?
I went to a Frank Abingale (of Catch Me If You Can fame) seminar one time. He said to get a fake ID he would search the local newspapers for infant deaths and then go to clerk’s office posing as the family attorney saying he needed something (I forget the exact thing) and he’d get documents that would enable him to get a real ID for his check cashing scams.
Presumably that BC wouldn’t have been stolen that same week of birth, and so wouldn’t that point to the announcements in the papers, as found on microfiche in the library, to have been faked?
It’s hard for me to believe that such could not be authenticated somewhere, somehow—and then the case would really open up.