Preppers’ PING!!
Full preparedness means I have to get a lot of guns and be a survivalist.
Well, yes..
13 - have a battery-powered radio available so you can stay informed on what’s happening if the power goes out - during Hurricane Irene last year our power was off for fourteen hours but our battery radio was almost useless - except for sporatic bits of information on the storm, most radio stations kept on with their same inane programming of crappy music and occasional callins about what was going on in some guy’s local neighborhood - we finally managed to tune into the sound channel of TV channel 6, which is at the ultra low end of the FM band, and they were doing running updates of where the storm was and where it was going - so much for battery power.....
And that's a bad thing?
1. If something happens I could call 911. Of course, that might make the problem far worse. Whether to call 911 is a decision to be made based on whether an official response is more likely than not to be helpful.
2. I should start with a 72-hour kit with a flashlight, first aid kit, some food and water, and a radio. From that point, I should expand my preparations based on resources, needs, and anticipated emergency situations.
3. My insurance policy will take care of everything covered in the policy, eventually, and if the company is not overwhelmed by the situation.
4. Good preparedness is too expensive and complicated to do all at once, but small steps one at a time can add up to good preparedness.
5. We can only form a neighborhood group through contact with our neighbors. It is critical to know which neighbors will be helpful in defending the community and which are likely to pose an immediate danger to others.
6. In a weapons of mass destruction (WMD) terrorist attack, there will be survivors even near ground zero. In Japan, 597 people survived within 1 km of the detonation sites, including Akiko Takakura at 300 m. Tsutomu Yamaguchi was outside 1km but was burned and injured in Hiroshima before returning to his home in Nagasaki in time to be burned and injured in that detonation.
7. History repeats itself.
8. All I have to worry about is my own family, my friends, and especially those neighbors and strangers who are not my friends and are not moral people.
9. There are many really important things that are not taught in school, and since the mid-1960s preparedness has been one of them. Fortunately, the Boy Scouts teach many aspects of preparedness and will continue to do so despite liberal hatred for moral values and for independence.
10. I can get free preparedness information on the Internet. [This one - not a myth - was right!] One of the best sources is from Kartographer.
11. Full preparedness means I have to get the right guns or self-defense equipment and be ready to respond as necessary to violence or evil in order to survive.
12. If something really bad happens, some people will help, but it may not be quick, it may not be the government or others some would expect to see helping, and we will not get help or even neutrality from everyone we encounter.
Why isn't it?
Ammo will be the new money.
Oh jeez. Each of these bullet points needs a page or two of footnotes, additions and exceptions. Let me add a few:
13) Don’t be stupid.
14) Be stubborn only when it matters. Change your mind when proven wrong.
15) In an emergency situation or a defensive position, if you are not improving your situation you are wrong.
16) Keep your perspective and do not waste your strength. “Fatigue makes cowards of us all.” - G.S. Patton
17) Contamination conquers determination, so keep it clean.
18) Murphy’s Law: “If anything can go wrong, it will, and at the worst possible time.”
19) Cheops’ rule: “Nothing is done on time or under budget.”
20) The fourth law of thermodynamics: “There is never enough of the right kind of fuel and energy.”
When Obama loses, America will burn. Make sure you have enough ammo to defend your family and your neighbors, as needed.
Could well be:
If capitalism were really important it would be taught in school. or
If economics were really important it would be taught in school.