they need to ban NUTS and not the guns. a nut is going to FIND a way to pull off mayhem, even if he was boobytrapping with KNIVES and spears etc.
Amen! One of my neighbors and I were talking about crime and madness, and I pointed out several historical references to what we now call mass murderers during the middle ages. There are also references to such crimes in Roman historical writings-awful as it sounds, evil has been around as long as we humans have-and as long as humans have minds, it seems that some will be mad/psychotic as well.
I think the only logical way to mitigate the damage dine by a psycho is to be aware of someone doing something scary and weird like-oh, maybe pursuing a fantasy of being a movie/literary criminal, while ordering tear gas, body armor and chemicals to make IEDs-and inform someone who can get them away before they can do any harm.