I wish even HALF of the energy put into this thread, was put into doing something MEANINGFUL for our men and women in harms way...
Im fine with a bit of bitching, but for the love of GOD< this has gone on for hours...and to what end??????
Forgive me or BAN me if you will...but get a freakin grip! Our country is going to hell at flank speed and you are all bitching about some poor slob that spoke his mind! GET OVER IT!~!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honest to GOD>..for all of the alleged “Christians” on this thread...Im glad GOD has a sense of humor and forgiveness!
What do you care what others do, when and how often?
Our country has been sold out to the LIARS by the fearful easily deceived immature voters. Take your pick, which evil will it be? They go nuts if you don’t bow to evil!
I don’t believe God finds it one big humorous with one nation under evil. God is patient and HIS Wrath will come to those who submit to evil and do not believe HIM.
Well said.
What is missing here is the distinction between an intra-family squabble and an anti-family attack.