Don’t know if Cruise is really gay or not but lettuce be real here...if we looked like Cruise and had ton’s of 8.5/9+/10 women wanting and hitting on us 24/7 it would be very difficult to remain married/not cheat...but that’s me.
In all fairness to your wife (or regarding any other “hunk” out there), it’s for the best that you (or they)HOP TO IT if you can catch these Super Model “perfect women) between husbands. A big “IF”.
Conceited trashy “hunks”, when they reach seventy, undergo many serious operations and illnesses are left mostly just needing a servant and nursemaid. Which they (or you, I assume) can easily afford after you kick Mrs. Trailhkr1 to the curb. So, CHEAT AHEAD, and throw away the glasses so you can’t see too clearly that Super Model first thing in the morning before she evacuates, washes up, and brushes her teeth. - Yep. It all comes down to evacuating, washing up and brushing those teeth for all of us. Add an extra 30 or 40 pounds for effect.
A bit of advice, get that nursemaid lined up. There’s something to be said for faithfulness . . . but that’s just me.