I'm so sick of hearing this garbage from the family members of these modern-day monsters. They're all good boys who just got caught up with the wrong people...yada, yada, yada. The police shouldn't have shot her son? I wish I was the reporter she was talking to, I'd have asked her if she'd be willing to have someone chew off 3/4 of her face while I just tase them.
Enabling is a form of child abuse. Time after time you hear these parents (usually mothers) who make excuses for their children (usually sons) after they commit crimes— even murders. This is obviously a life long pattern that begins at a very young age. “My Johnny can do no wrong”. We have all run into these parents at some time .
so which is it?.....mom had better wish that her son was a drugged out psycho or a zombie rather than what could be the truth...a racist violent punk animal....