It makes me cringe when I hear Rush use the term immaculated of Obama. It seems such an ignorant thing to say. First, to use immaculate as a verb. Never before has anyone ever been said to be “immaculated.”
It is part of Catholic theology, however, that Mary, not Jesus, was conceived immaculately—hence her’s is said to be the Immaculate Conception. Mary’s, not the Messiah’s.
Rush gets it wrong on several levels. Makes him sound stoopid.
Yes, I know the word, “immaculate” is being mis-used but Rush is using it for humor’s sake.
The Catholics say that Jesus was conceived immaculately, not Mary. Maybe you are trying to say that Jesus was conceived in the womb of Mary in an immaculate manner.
Immaculate - (esp. of a person or their clothes) Perfectly clean, neat, or tidy; Free from flaws or mistakes; perfect.
Immaculate only applies to messiahs and the Left thinks that Barryboy is the messiah or the second coming. Rush taking that worship of Barry by the Left and using it to make fun of him and his followers. This absolutely drives the Leftists nuts because he is exposing just how stupid, ignorant, and idiotic they make themselves look by worshiping Barry.
Remember all the fainting. Take a look at this website and see how far it went.