I received the summer catalogue in the mail about a week or so ago. I was appalled that one entire spread featured a “partner” family..two lesbians and their adopted children. No where in the catalogue was any advertising for plus size clothes (which I wear). Apparently you can be a lesbian to get attention at JCP; just not a fat person. Go figure!
Yes, the catalog spread spun customers heads....as they are definately “promoting” the homsexual agenda now....along with the “green” movement.
Nobody likes the new catalog, which is really a knock off of Targets, for obvious reasons as Johnson had 25 years with Target before going to Apple.
I truly hate the changes....it’s more than just changes...it’s the whole atmosphere within the store now from customers to employees. Customers are testy to say the least....and employees wonder if their job isn’t going to be axed next as they eliminate various dept. and manager positions. Most long termers are being offered part-time jobs or a serverance to leave. Most are leaving.