Mr. Man of God, you seem to take joy in calling people fags, faggots, and perverts. Do you not realize there are a lot of gays who just want to be left alone, to have a reasonable tax policy, who believe in national security and support Israel? Do you really get that enraged at what freedom loving American citizens do to get their sexual pleasure? Do you really want the government telling freedom loving people what they can’t rub up against, or what they can’t ingest or smoke? I am worried about freedom to choose more than I could ever be concerned with those things. I don’t care what people do, what they wear, or what they smoke, or who they marry, as long as they are not infringing upon my right to be left alone. Stand by and let the Marxist get reelected. You and your type will be the first to be sent to the gulag. I’m damn near ready to write an opus, for when Jesus comes to take His Children to Heaven, I sure wouldn’t want to be in your crowd. Jesus thinks you’re a jerk.
When bone smoking butt pirates are in the open and are demanding positions of authority then yes I give a damn.
Maybe you should consider a position writing speeches for Nazi Peelousy.