well and wisely said. i’ve had many the same thoughts. your article has the feel of someone who understands His word.
the point is that God himself created and ordained men in his image in His intended role and with His intended purpose to create and lead families. He endowed men with some of His male leadership qualities and intended them to be exercised under His strict direction. a man cannot lead successfully without God’s instruction, without being humbled to His purpose, and without the complementary qualities of his helpmeet, woman.
and make no mistake, humanity cannot succeed in God’s terms without good leadership. it seems to me that for the survival of God’s people, the family must survive and prosper. and for the family to survive, men must lead as God intended, adding his leadership to the obvious essential qualities of women to create the institutions and mechanisms of the civil society necessary for children to thrive.
may God bless you and yours.
Yes, and thank you..bless you too.