>>Speaking of facts, have you read any facts about your boy Mitt?<<
What part of ABO don’t you get?
Mitt is not “my boy”. I was a Cain supporter, he dropped. I was a Newt supporter, where did that go? I could even get with Santorum but hellsbells, can’t YOU see what is going on?
I voted for Ross Perot and got stung. I’m not making that same mistake twice. Romney is an idiot, but not a Marxist, Muslim loving, live-baby killing, Israeli hating, tool of the Russians.
Sorry, if you're voting for him, he's your boy. Don't deny your destiny! You're a MittWit! Stand up and be proud!
The ABO’s have faded away. Even the big dogs in the Republican Party in Texas. They are not going to support or vote for Mitt Romney. They have no incentive to do so.
It trust Sarah Palin’s judgement on this.
As well as Dick Cheney’s.
They are not GOPe and they love this country.