400 per cent .
How is anything over 100 per cent possible?
[ How is anything over 100 per cent possible? ]
When you have one Apple and you steal 4 more
then you have increased your Apples by 400%...
Well, when you ignite a natural gas turbine, you input a few hundred watts of power, and you get megawatts of power out.
The idea here is that you put in some energy, something (LENR?) happens, and you get more power out.
They’ve laid out how to do it. If - big if - it works, we’ll have independent verification soon enough, and then the world changes...
It taking 100 per cent as a baseline start point... After all if you talking a power source... you have to get more engery out then you put in else it not a power source it a power consumer
So take starting point of 100 precent no lose or gain yet at your start...
And in the end if you have over your 100 precent = power source ...less then 100 precent = net lose = power sink/ consumer
It like money...if your invest a $100 you want to get more back then you put in..if you get out less then you put in it not investing ...its spending
Yes, a COP (coefficient of performance) over 100% is technically impossible (an IC engine will be 25%-50%, electric around 80%). That’s not what they really mean. Every science has its own language. In LENR the input is chemical energy and the output is “unknown” but presumably nuclear fusion occurring at low energy levels. So outputs are often quoted from 4 to 20 times the inputs, or COP 4-20.