Almost a given that Obama will win. The people that will “hold their nose” are not enough to put the RINO over the top. The unions will ensure Obama gets a 2nd term.
Now here are some popcorn scenarios I am hoping for in the event that Obama is elected:
* The Tea Party members of the House increase their numbers in 2012 and are strong enough to vote for Michele Bachmann as Speaker of the House. Conservatives everywhere are ecstatic at this development. Michele wastes no time in prosecuting cases that have languished under the previous Speaker.
* The press finally gets on to the Fast & Furious case to expose Obama and Holder either as culprits or catches them in obstruction of justice. There is a reason they are not providing more than 10,000 pages of documents subpoenaed by Congress; they are hiding something and the deadline to comply is end of May 2012. Just today it’s reported that Issa has the contempt papers prepared against Holder.
* The Sheriff Arpaio case breaks wide open and the press finally starts reporting it to the public. The vetting that should have taken place in 2008 will finally start.
* Obama is impeached. Race riots are threatened if he is convicted in the Senate. Spineless Senators reject blatant and voluminous evidence and proof that Obama is an usurper, and as a result are hounded and tracked by Tea Party Patriots who pound a never-ending beat that they will be primaried if they ignore the overwhelming evidence and proof and choose to back down from convicting Obama. Trent Lott Never again!
* Obama is driven from office and Biden moves towards being sworn in but there is intense uproar by the public and by TP members in Congress that if Obama was never legitimate, then Biden cannot be sworn in.
* While hashing out at the SCOTUS the status of Biden’s legitimacy for ascending to the Oval Office, Speaker Bachmann is voted by the House to be sworn in as President but RINOs and dems in the Senate refuse to vote for cloture to approve Speaker Bachmann as President Pro Tem and Senate Majority leader McConnell refuses to go nuclear to bring the chaos to an end.
* Sensing an unfavorite ruling by SCOTUS regarding his legitimacy to ascend as President and with Speaker Bachmann’s vote in Congress delayed by RINOs in the Senate, Biden makes his move and gets himself sworn in as President; consequences be damned.
* Liberals everywhere are bubbly and tingly over Biden’s hubris proclaiming he is the President they always wanted.
* A special election is held in 2014 for President with initially Bachmann and Biden squaring off. Romney tries to get in again but this time conservatives are after blood and Romney hasn’t a chance against the anti-RINO mood of the electorate.
* McConnell gets primaried and pilloried in 2014. He ends his “career” in disgrace.
* During the special election of 2014 SCOTUS weighs in with a decision on Biden and rules that he was never legitimately VP and therefore must step down immediately from the Oval Office. Bachmann is sworn in.
* Hillary throws her hat into the ring against Bachmann in the 2014 Special Election.
Now Who wins? How do you complete this scenario?
Pass the Popcorn ........
BUMP! Thanks!
The thing that we tend to forget is that people die, and they die when God decides that they die. Any one of these people can die at any time. Things can change in a hurry.
Usually the alarm clock goes off about that time.