“And amazing, isnt it, how good dogs, know really good people when they meet them?”
I must have darkness in my soul, according to some dogs...they regard me as a useful scratching machine but are otherwise standoffish.
On the other hand, I can talk a feral cat out of a tree. Go figure.
I practice tiger kung fu...if dogs are disdainful I like to tell myself it’s because I smell like a cat, not a rat ;^)
AnTiw1 posted - “”I must have darkness in my soul, according to some dogs...””
Nah. I imagine they are picking up on the serious levels of kitteh in there ; )
On a slightly different note - we had dogs and cats when I was a kid, and some of our cats were just ruthless with people who visited, but did NOT like cats : o They would wind around their ankles, or hop up on the couch or chair, and just rub on them, and purrr, and make biscuits : } Lol. They were totally sweet cats, and very friendly, but seemed to take a particular pleasure in torturing/converting those poor souls. Mom would finally have to ask us to put them back in our bedrooms so the poor folks could decompress a little : o
And even farther off topic - of all the critters we have encountered/rescued/raised and loved, I have to say that the biggest surprise came in the form of domesticated rats! I had no idea that they could each be so distinct in personality, and capable of so much love. The Lord certainly likes to put a lot of heart into some of the most unexpected places....
May God continue to bless your kitteh self :)