To better understand that mindset, study the election of Gov. Pataki (R) in NY. Huge, albeit obligatory, support from the Right ... and he got thru more of the Left’s agenda than any (D) ever did or could. The Right was stunned. The concern is that a (D) gets automatic opposition ... but a “centrist” (R) will garner enough Right-wing support to pass any & all Left-wing bills.
No question the options suck. “ABO” is quite sensible. Alas, choosing the lesser of two evils still gets you evil ... and some of us aren’t, for good reason, clear on which is worse.
“No question the options suck. ABO is quite sensible. Alas, choosing the lesser of two evils still gets you evil ... and some of us arent, for good reason, clear on which is worse.”
Then the debate boils down to:
Will Romney try to cross the aisle and enact the Democrat agenda? And if he does will he be as successful as Obama will be?
Obama may have automatic opposition, but Obama has been able to rule, not govern. Obama will simply ignore Congress in his second term. The MSM will be thrilled, and will cover whatever needs to be covered.
Bingo. You could also look at GWB, who expanded medicare and education big time while adding the bureaucracy of Homeland Security. As Santorum said, it is a team game.