Day Three of the Great Paper Purge:
Having spent the last three hours with my fanny on the floor, and various piles marked (mentally) for Toss, Keep, Future Reference, and Personal, I am at last down to those piles that I forgot what the mark was.
However, the deed is nearly done. Except for the inevitable clean-up...toss out the bags, vacuum up the debris, and try to make things fit in the space allowed.
(I’m getting too old for this stuff!)
Congratulations on your efforts! Kathleen weighed 17 lbs. 1 oz. and is 26” in extent. Sally got a DPT booster and is in good health.
Pat has been playing ukulele for some of the Spanish church music this afternoon. Many of the songs have only 3 or 4 chords. Now he’s gone upstairs to listen to his Jake Shimabukuru CD and dream of his brilliant future.