Truth is a good thing, but always telling the truth is not always good, some truths are better left unspoken.
>>some truths are better left unspoken.
No doubt eunuch wolves who squalk from the pulpet and dress themselves in vestigial plumage from the Roman/Eqyptian/Bablylonian Empire's syncretic sun-worshiping cult agree with you.
I don't. And Jefferson evidently didn't either.
Jefferson didn't reject God, he just rejected wolves like you and Barton who assume dominion over the faith of others.
>>I challenge you to point out
Barton's agenda-driven history of LIES is one of omission. For example, observe what ISN'T referenced in the Wallbuilder website:
There's ONE mention of the Virginia Act for the Establishment of Religious freedom on
And that didn't appear until a couple of months ago.
It is what it is.