and the T-word.
Come on. Maher is a liberal, ears is a liberal. Whatever liberals say about conservatives doesn’t count.
Hell, obama wouldn’t turn down money from Rush, either. (I know that won’t happen, but just making a point.) He doesn’t care about that. He’s just doing his job by not letting this crisis go to waste. He can make his base look more oppressed and make himself look better by siding with them. Once again - it is taking the focus off of the real issue.
Give em hell Sarah. You go girl.
Why aren’t there apologies from Julian Bond, Richard Cohen, Matthew Yglessias and many others to Andrew Breitbart’s family for the disgusting remarks they made after his passing?
And of course the nasty terms thrown at the Bush twins (also someones daughters) were actively opposed by the left , right?
(crickets chirping)
To say nothing about the lefts outrage over comments about Palin, Malkin, Bachman, Palins kids, Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, Breitbart, etc.
(more crickets) /s
two faced slime balls.
God Bless Sarah for speaking the truth..as we all know, only Conservatives are allowed to be attacked and smeared..when the left has the media in the tank for them, they can pretty much get away with anything
Nobama asking the super PAC to return the donation would be a violation of campaign finance laws. Palin, I’m quite sure, knows this.
For at least 50 years the Left has responded to an opponent's message by Mau-Mauing the messenger. The messenger becomes the "issue." Issues are weapons. Shoo the messenger. Frighten the opponent into submission. It works every time.
It is a long-accepted appalling form of dialectic where the Left's opponents are forced to yield 90+ percent to stop the Mau-Mauing and threats -- the Left has only to yield ten percent at most.
Enough already! Tell 'em to Fluke off!
just looking at this little twerp tells me all i need to know about him and why he is so dark and unhappy in his miserable little life. He has nothing else but to grind on other people. I guess his house is mirrorless as well as a lot of the libs.
You go, Sarah! Stay strong and OUTSPOKEN!
And while you are at it, take this across the country, into ALL 50 STATES!
Of course, obama will be confused, as he says he has 57 of them.
Yeah, and why does he drag his daughters into National conversations about sluts and also about his daughters killing the babies they make out of wedlock?
I think Obama may be a slut.