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To: christianhomeschoolmommaof3
If she was talking about condoms she wouldn’t have cited the medical uses (PSOS and endometriosis). Condoms don’t treat those conditions.

I'm afraid you just don't understand what the left's agenda is here. They do want insurance to cover the cost of condoms as well as all contraceptive devices and they want it covered 100% because "cost sharing" is such a burden to women.

The Case for Insurance Coverage of Contraceptive Services And Supplies Without Cost-Sharing

A provision in the 2010 health reform legislation, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), requires all new private health plans to cover certain specified preventive health services without any out-of-pocket costs to consumers, such as copayments or deductibles. An initial list of such services, based on three sets of existing guidelines, began affecting insurance plans in September 2010. Reproductive health services on that list include cervical cancer screening, screening and counseling for HIV and several other sexually transmitted infections, and vaccination for human papillomavirus (HPV).

In November 2010, an advisory panel convened by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) began to develop a fourth set of guidelines—for women’s preventive health care—as required under an amendment to the ACA authored by Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD). Debate on the Senate floor made clear that the Mikulski amendment was intended by its supporters to include contraceptive counseling, services and supplies, as well as an annual well-woman gynecologic exam and other key services. The IOM panel is scheduled to make its recommendations in the spring to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), which is charged with adopting a final set of guidelines and has set a goal of doing so by August.


Additional Health Benefits


And, of course, the male and female condom can help prevent sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, among sexually active women and men. According to the most recent summary of the evidence by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), consistent and correct use of latex condoms is highly effective in preventing the sexual transmission of HIV. It also reduces the risk of other sexually transmitted infections, particularly those transmitted by genital secretions, and may reduce the risk for HPV infection.

This is all part of the 0bamaCare mandate and Fluke's testimony was aimed squarely at influencing Congress to pass these very recommendations. Condoms may not be Rx and insurers may not cover them now but the plan is to mandate 100% coverage for them real soon and they intend to mandate that all insurers carry that coverage.

198 posted on 03/05/2012 10:25:25 PM PST by TigersEye (Life is about choices. Your choices. Make good ones.)
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To: TigersEye; Twink

Thank you for posting this.

I agree she was being very deceptive in her language. I knew she was lying all along. I was just wrong about WHAT she was lying about.

I guess I can’t wrap my head around the fact that a WOMAN wants her insurance to cover condoms for her. Of course, I never have been good about understanding the mentality of the left.

211 posted on 03/06/2012 8:11:55 AM PST by christianhomeschoolmommaof3
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