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To: christianhomeschoolmommaof3

“Rush made it sound as if she personally was spending $3000 over her law school career on condoms. That would make her a slut”

Really? I didn’t get that from his commentary. Again, I think you were the one who misinterpreted his commentary. I think a lot of people did. And, you get to decide what makes her a slut? So if she’s using “many” condoms, she’s a slut in your opinion? How many is many? Do you see where this is going?

“You don’t go to the pharmacy for condoms. If she was talking about condoms she wouldn’t have cited the medical uses (PSOS and endometriosis). Condoms don’t treat those conditions”

I’m aware of that. I’m starting to wonder about the rest of the world.

Yes, she used anecdotal stories to prove her position. She got called on it and the firestorm happened. Liberals don’t like facts nor do they like their anecdotal stories being questioned.

193 posted on 03/05/2012 10:10:18 PM PST by Twink
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To: Twink

Maybe I should have rephrased. If she is spending $3000 a year on condoms, I can see why someone would call her a slut. I really don’t like the term and I regret that the conversation has degenerated to that.

I may have misunderstood Rush’s comments. I didn’t get to hear it all because we were in the car with our children and had to turn it way down so they wouldn’t hear and then we just turned it off.

Antecdotal stories or not, her entire premise was wrong and I just wanted to focus on that and not have our argument lost in the fray.

I appreciate what Rush does and I enjoy listening to him. He gets alot of abuse and I can understand. It is hard to remain civil to the enemies of our liberties!

210 posted on 03/06/2012 8:05:06 AM PST by christianhomeschoolmommaof3
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