“Again you keep calling women who use birth control sluts.”
Stop right there. TE hasn’t done that.
And, you are allowing the discussion/debate/issue, being some 30 yr old liberal political activist pushing an agenda, to be boiled down to her being called a slut. TE isn’t saying that in his posts. You are.
Playing right into the hands of the agenda setting media, imo.
We settled this already upthread. Just a miscommunication. I couldn’t understand why TE was saying she was advocating for sluts because she was talking about birth control.
TE explained that he/she thinks Fluke was talking about $3000 worth of condoms. Which I would agree makes any woman a slut.
I thought Fluke was lying about the price of BC Pills and saying that BC pills cost $1000 a year. If Fluke is talking about BC pills, they cost the same whether or not you have 1 partner or 500. So just because a woman takes BC doesn’t mean she is a slut.
After TE explained $3000 worth of condoms, I understood that we were coming at this from two different prospectives. And I agreed only a slut would need $3000 worth of condoms.