Another example of personal attack directed specifically to the poster. This time it is the poster, Chance Hart.
It is difficult to respond to personal attack. What is a poster to say? That they are not a “monkey”, “nutcase”, or “dufus”?
Fact: Obama took three years to post a clumsily photoshoped image of birth certificate when he had every opportunity to present clean and certifiable ( court acceptible) proof of his birth place.
Fact: Why spend hundreds of thousands of private and tax dollars sending attorneys across the nation to prevent the release of a document that he claims has nothing embarrassing on it?
Fact: A real natural born citizen would be HONORED to promptly prove with the best evidence that he was eligible to be president and Commander in Chief. He would be especially pleased to do this for a member of the military.
Fact: Rush, Levin, Hannity, Beck, Coulter, Ingram, Medved, and the other yappers have IGNORED Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution.
My conclusion is that these talk show personalities are cowards and have no real commitment to conservatism except that it fills their bank accounts. My conclusion is that if real tyranny comes to the U.S. they will be completely untrustworthy. I conclude that they will sell their talents to the fascist oligarchy and spit shine the jack boots crushing our necks.
I stand with JohnG45. I would **not** want these yapper guys and gals in my fox hole.