It was well over 50 years ago that we would buy dungarees, put them on, soak each other with a hose and let them dry skin tight in the sun.
Our parents hated that. Oh, and we would saturate one forelock with peroxide and let the sun bleach that out while the jeans were shrinking. Then, we would roll up those jeans as far as they would go, about mid-calf. Scandalous!!
When it was full summer, we would lay out in our swim suits covered with baby oil and iodine to get a quick dark tan. Usually applied more peroxide to the hair at the same time.
The pj look was common at early morning mid-terms and finals, even in winter, at univerity. Fads come and go and then become just a memory.
I live on a sailboat now; if I owned shoes like that I'd kill myself trying to get out of the boat...