A drunk HR lady for the company I worked for in the late 80s told me they secretly tested for nicotine at the pre-employment drug screen. If it came back positive and a competing candidate didnt they recommended hiring the competing candidate. This place had 1500 employees and theyd had several die very expensively from lung cancer.
Frankly, Im surprised this isnt standard procedure, given medical costs and the clear correlation between smoking and medical outlays. If you smoke in England, Ive read NHS wont allow you to receive organ transplants.
NHS the 3rd largest employer on the PLANET...
to cover a lousy 50 million people...talk about bloated bureaucracy!
(#1 is the Chinese Army,# 2 is the India Railway system)
After a few years of Barrycare, I bet it will be 2nd.
Lets see.... You use correlation as your basis for logic and then hold up the UK’s NHS as an example.... I smell ozone.
Yeah, but if a smoker dies in a car accident they would take the organs and transplant them in a heartbeat.