I am sorry you read something into my words. I never wrote anything about breastfeeding being sexual. That might be your own hangup about those who feel it is a private act to take place in peace and quiet. But we don’t all think it is something sexual. I just don’t think it should be done in the center of a shopping area with strangers and noise all around. I am more concerned about the peace and comfort of the child than the statement a woman feels she has the right to make for her own sake. If you read my entire post, you would have noted that. Seesh.
I didn’t say YOU thought bf was sexual, I said it was a shame that women feel they need to feed their child in a back room BECAUSE some people view bf as sexual.
There is no reason to feed a baby in a dressing room unless you WANT to.
I BF all three of my kids and by the time the 3rd one came along I decided that I didn’t want my baby eating in a public restroom or dressing room any longer to hide the act because of someone’s weird idea that bf equates with something sexual.