Moochelle will take 17 vacations with her extra special secret service dude on the taxpayers’ dollars.
Congress will waste more taxpayers’ dollars and pass more commie bills.
The economy and the unemployment will continue to be in the dumps as the dollar sinks.
We, the People, will lose more freedoms.
There will be more illegals crossing into the US and demanding rights and freebies.
Overall crime will rise.
At the new year, the climate will be colder, followed by heavy storms, warmer and then hot weather will come, then there will be moderate temps followed closely by colder weather again at the end of ‘12.
Emotional depression will all but smother US voters as November approaches.
The price of tea will rise in China.
The ME will start another war.
Darn it!!! that's the same thing we got last year. And the year before. And the year before.
Zero signed the NDAA today. I predicted Christmas Eve. He did it on New Year's Eve.