Why is a homosexual girlfriend of a familiy member “family”?
Telling AUJenn to pull the plank out of her own eye is freaking offensive. She is polite and wanting to know how other people deal with this situation. Having a family member decide to become a homosexual is a difficult situation - homosexual behavior is immoral, perverse and destructive.
Jesus’ admonistion about puttling the speck from one’s own eye is irrelevant to the discussion.
Your insult to AUJenn makes me sick.
First, I was referring to the actual family member as that is who the OP was referring in her original comment.
Second, the ‘plank’ comment wasn’t directed specifically at the OP but is a general statement that everyone has faults and sins including ourselves and if we cut off everyone who has sins, we have to cut off everyone including ourselves.
You read way, way too much into that comment.