“Would you agree if the woman was a man and the 15 year old was your daughter?”
No. I already addressed that.
I firmly believe there IS a difference between females and males biologically, psychologically, and societally.
So now anyone who doesn’t agree with women being free to seduce boys believes that men and women have no differences?
Interesting leap. My entire argument is based on girls being different from boys...because a boy is easily enticed by sex...immediately...as it is offered. Just the sight of an attractive older woman excites a boy. Girls who are attracted to older men generally have more romantic feelings and are less immediate.
That being said, child rape is child rape. Male, female, boy or girl. A woman who has sex with a 15 year old is most likely a crazy woman who men get fed up with quickly, while a 15 year old boy will endure nearly anything for even the most remote chance. She knows that and plays on it. Men know there are more fish in the sea, and have a limit on the crazy...boys think there might never be another.
And notice, I said "seduced" in both cases, not "raped." I don't know if the phrase "statutory rape" is particularly helpful. Rape is a specific thing, and seduction is quite different. It's rather like the difference between ticket scalping and being held up at gun point.