No, it’s the show Danson has been on. This is the third season. It’s about a guy who is a writer, but in the throes of writer’s block after his first novel decided to advertise on craigs list as an “unlicensed detective.” Danson plays a magazine editor/mentor/friend and Zack Galifinakis plays his pot smoking best friend/comic book artist.
They get into capers. It’s very film noir-ish/40s detective stories. Not bust-a-gut funny, but amusing.
Good description - I may check it out. My DVR is on the fritz today - again. The comcast bunch of dvrs are really poorly made - this will be #3 in less than 9 months
Geno tweeted yesterday that he was getting ready to halloween! he’s so cute. shame he’s not playing tonight. Did you see the brouhaha with Roenick saying he’s sick to death of hearing Sid being asked about his scrambled brains?