A nuclear bomb sends most of the fallout high into the atmosphere were it disperses and is held in circulation for centuries before finding its way back to the ground. This adds to higher background readings.
Fukushima keeps spewing fallout at ground level, into the groundwater and ocean and still is contaminating the surrounding area. The contamination never makes it to the higher atmosphere where the accumulative affect on the ground finds it way to food sources and water supplies.
Why you think going through all the trouble to clean up Fukushima is pointless and should be just left to sit there and be ignored is beyond me.
“Why you think going through all the trouble to clean up Fukushima is pointless and should be just left to sit there and be ignored is beyond me.”
I’ll ignore the above pathetic distortion - it’s not worth my time.
Actually, I just read your post again and it’s not worth my time - doesn’t actually make much sense, and shows you haven’t been paying attention to the reports of heavily contaminated tea crops, rice hay, beef, milk etc. nor the computerized air modeling that shows the west coast of the US receiving radiation from Fukushima in March after explosions sent radioactive materials high into the atmosphere.